Choose Ye

May 21, 2014

Bible references from MBE’s article “Choose Ye” are included in this Wednesday’s readings.  The Bible stories of Joshua and of the Samaritan woman both take place near Shechem, a “city of refuge” near the parcel of ground where the bones of Joseph were buried (Joshua 24:32, John 4:5, annotations from The New Oxford Annotated Bible, p. 1887-88).  Also with the readings is a jsh-online article from May 5, 2014, about our “Choose Ye” Mother Church study assignment.
It would be great if you would share your inspiration about MBE’s “Choose Ye” article at our Wednesday night meeting at 7 pm.  If you can’t attend the meeting, then just send an email or voice message.  Or, come to our gathering and be inspired there!