Military Prayers

November 5, 2014

Our readings this Wednesday are in honor of our servicemen and women in recognition of next Tuesday’s Veterans Day.  May we all pray to support our military qualities of watchfulness, courage, obedience, strength, and sacrifice.
In the Bible readings is the story of Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, who went into battle prayed-up and praising the Lord “for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”  II Chron. 20:15. The military prayer strategy in part of this Bible story is so similar to a famous World War II story that I have included the link to “The True Story of the Patton Prayer.” Briefly, General Patton and the Third Army had not been able to advance in December 1944 due to sleet and rain, so the General asked the military chaplain for a prayer for the weather.  There were no formal prayers on the weather in the chaplain’s prayer books, so he wrote out a short prayer. The General approved it, and then asked him to make 250,000 copies for every soldier in the Third Army. The soldiers carried their prayers into battle; the fogs ceased; and there were clear skies so that the Allied planes could assist in destroying the enemy.  I realize that Patton’s prayer is not a Bible story, but I do hope that you will be inspired by this more modern-day adaptation for Veterans Day.