
March 18, 2015


Mary Baker Eddy defined fasting as “refraining from admitting the claims of the senses.” (My. 222) During our Wednesday services, we have been addressing claims that we can refrain, or fast, from admitting into our own consciousness. This Wednesday, we are addressing the awful claims of anger, cruelty, hypocrisy, and revenge, as displayed by Levi, one of Jacob’s sons.

In doing these readings, I was touched that Shechem was chosen as a Levitical city of refuge when the Israelites returned from Egypt, and that Joseph’s bones were brought there to be buried. Was that salt in the wound due to the atrocities that occurred there — that made the name of Jacob “to stink among the inhabitants of the land’?  What a healing balm it was for Jesus to choose that same spot when speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well — teaching us that worship is only in spirit and truth.